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    Pedagogia and Jees’ Review

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    Pedagogia and Jees’ Review Journal research of Megawati (2016a) and Megawati (2016b) explain about the method, difficulties, result and solution of english lesson. On the web page especially in home, JEES and PEDAGOGIA show the review about what Pedagogia is or what Jees is. Futhermore, both we can see cover picture when we visit home page. PEDAGOGIA and JEES also have the same background color for cover, the background of it is orange. The other which same is, PEDAGOGIA and JEES have same journal description. Their journal there is a cover which the color essentially orange, and also when we visit the first page, its show when the last upload of the journal, and it also show who and what the review about the article. But when we visit archives page we see different content. In PEDAGOGIA there are 7 years which start from 2011 until 2017, and it consist of 6 volume start from volume 1 until volume 6 and it also consist of 3 years or from 2011 untill 2013 is show about pedagogia description and 4 years other or from 2013 untill 2017 show about the month it is Agustus and Februari but in JEES there are only 2 years which start from 2016 untill 2017, its consist of volume 1 and volume 2 and both show about the month, it is October and April . For about cover of PEDAGOGIA and JEES there are little different. In cover of PEDAGOGIA, the color cover is combine with white and gold and it is full of text, but in cover of JEES is combine with black and it also on the top there are tittle and globe picture which make the cover interested. For acknowledgement, in PEDAGOGIA have 4 Reviewers which 3 reviewer comes from East Java and 1 other comes from Central Java. While in JEES have 8 reviewers which 1 reviewer comes from Abroad especially from Lebanon and 7 others comes from Indonesia. Then for about editorial, PEDAGOGIA have 5 parts of team, that are: Editor in chief, Managing Editors, Section Editors, Layout Editors, and Administrator which all members come from Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, but in editorial of JEES have 3 parts, that are Editor in Chief, Associate Editor, and Advisory International Editorial Board which 1 member comes from abroad (Lebanon) and the others come from Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo. PEDAGOGIA and JEES’ article have different discussion. For About content of article, in PEDAGOGIA discuss about the difficulty when learning English lesson but JEES discuss about the result of writing task. While PEDAGOGIA journal use qualitative method because it shows the result of observation. For the method of analysis in JEES use descriptive methods to test its analysis because it implies the ability to write and produce journals. Then for about the significance of both. PEDAGOGIA is advantages because It explain about what students problem when they learning English especially students who comes from non English Department but I think JEES is disadvantages because it just describe the result of writing task of student exchange.All in all, every journal research has their advantages and disadvantages, but it also depends on us will take it advantage or not what method we use. In each different method it will also make different analysis. Then use the method to improve student become active when they learning English